L397 fry dying lost well over 2500 fry


Oct 26, 2011
I breed a few plecos
Super reds ,Pepps , L202s , L397s all same breeding system

Ì get some die off of the reds and Pepps here and their But nothing to be concerned about

But I loose every L397 batch , they breed and lay eggs fine and they hatch fine
Some make it and are fine but 98% I loose
Some die before they start eating other make it to 2cm size and just die I've lost around 2500 -3000 fry at this point
I get 1-4 batches of eggs a week but fry just die off
They don't show any symptoms of been sick, and then they start swimming funny and just die

I feed zucchini, and veggie flakes

I done tetracycline meds twice and hasn't helped

Any help would be good

Caveman 70

Oct 16, 2018
Tetracycline is an antibabacterial so unless youre freating septocemia,finrot and the likes of them youre throwig money away
What are your bloodlines like , is there more than 1 origin for the adults
What are your perameters
Are your fry kept with adults or hatched in tumblers
The usual train of thought is not enough or the wrong foods,
But ive been reading a theory that may have some merits, is your tank bare bottom, the theory is that the bare bottom tank could biuld up a biofilm of sorts that is toxic to fry
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Oct 26, 2011
All parameters are good but I'm just going to go the vet and get tests done on the fish and water might cosy a few hundred $$ but I'll know for sure what the problem is

I let the fry hatch in the logs with males and take then when they about 3 days old and put wrigglers into fry boxes
I have adults from all over the place so I wasn't cross breeding

I also keep peppermints and L202s in the same system , but in diffrent tanks and no problems with them
1000ltr system 6 tanks + sump
I also have sand in the tanks , but the ziss fry boxes are bare bottom and I put wood and leaves in the8r

A few said it was a bactirial infection that's why I did the tetracycline


Feb 26, 2023
it could be that the water temp may be to high or low id all so think of feeding some slightly boiled pumpkin to them it will help with the growth rate but dont feed it to much to them do u have soft drift wood in there tank they eat that it helps with the lingum in there tummys and how often are u changing their water