I know this sounds crazy but...


Jun 11, 2010
ct ,usa
I recently rehomed my 2 L128's . I gave them to someone who keeps many L's, has over 100 tanks and knows how to handle problems MUCH better than I do , when they arise.

Recently, in the past humm, feels like 6 months, I have had a streak of bad luck , lost everyone in my 30g to a mystery disease--a fish dieing every 2 weeks like clockwork, no signs of illness even in death. Then the 20g got columnaris -all these fish were born in that tank.. and only a few survived. Sterilized the 20g and put the few survivors in, now showing signs of columnaris , of course,so I never completely erradicated it prior, but waited too long to medicate the first time. Hopefully caught it early this time.

With all these problems over such a long period of time, I got concerned about accidental cross-contanimation, or just a new problem popping up in the 54g.It had been running fine, then lost the cycle:wb:after giving them up. I would have had to be but in the sanitarium if they were in there when that happened. Over the past 6 years I have lost a few ( mother-in-law's inhaler incident) I could not bear loosing these guys, one was getting pretty good size, a bit over 5'' . If something happended in that tank, with my stress level over the roof already because of the ''what ifs'' , I decided to pass them on to someone who could better care for them. I was told I could have them back anytime , no worries. That made me feel even better about the person I gave them to. I had to give the caves and slate as well, as that was their home , and I could not bear looking at that setup in the 54g after giving them away, understandably. So I re-scaped the tank and I know they are in better hands now, and the stress level I was feeling did a dive , so much worring about them has now been lifted.

It has been a month now, and firstly I told myself no more plecs cuz I love them too much, and can't bear pulling out deceased L's, it would kill me, but now I have had some time RELAX , and while i am still combating columnaris in the 20g, i may just think about a few bn for the 54g . I miss having L's terribly, and all the nurturing and love I gave to get the blue phantoms to that size and keep them safe and happy , has left a hole...but they must stay in their new home. I am convinced they are better off. While i would hate to loose bn's as well , I wonder if they are a bit more hardy ??

Well just wanted to share with members, as you all have been so helpful getting me through some really difficult times and I appreciate all of it.

It was a very hard thing to do and much thought went into it.

It took me nearly a month to post this.


Pleco Profiles Moderator - RIP FRIEND
Sep 9, 2010
Well you have had a rough time indeed and have been very good in trying to solve issues and showing that you love your fish. I would not give up and just keep and stay positive. I would just take it one step at a time and start from scratch again. I think BNs are a good start, because theirmsuccess will build you up. So heads up and get cracking and stay strong and positive. We are all here to help you if needed and you are never alone. Cheers jk :thumbup:


Jun 11, 2010
ct ,usa
thanks jk, that is very kind of you.

Once I clear up the problem in the 20g , I hope to have a few months to just enjoy fishkeeping before I take on anything new.