owee help please!


Jun 2, 2009
AB, Canada
I wouldn't worry about the poop being short, my common doesn't always do long ones. Sounds like he is doing pretty well though, is he pretty active?
ok, I won't worry bout the poop, lol! At least hes pooping and its solid brown now :)

Yes, hes active now. He sleeps most of the day, then awakens at 4-5pm when I turn on the light and add something for him to snack on: today it was zuchini (sp?) which hes seemed to really take to, hes been nursing this 2inch by 2inch slice since then, its been 3 hours and hes still going, its more then half gone. Usually he will "nap" from 9pm (when I turn the lights off in the tank) till mignight - this is when I remove the "snack" food and drop food for all the fishes we have and when I finally get to go to bed, lol! I usually drop one pellet, algea, veggie waffer, brine shrimp or blood worm - this is always gone by morning (7am) and hes sleeping happily behind the waterfall, lol! His personality is back to normal 100%, in fact he seems almost more happy since I've been doing daily water changes - I'm fearful to see the water bill though, lmao! Might have to slowly cut back to doing it once a week again.


Apr 21, 2009
Great to see that your plec is behaving more normally, plecmom. Hopefully he has had a relatively minor infection (and not fish TB).

Good luck with his continued recovery!


Jun 2, 2009
AB, Canada
Yeah, I went back to the store and told the manager about this guy telling me this, told them I didn't appreciate the "immature" diagnosis, lol.

For all I know, maybe he does have this TB, which is why I am keeping him alone in the 56 gal, even though I have too many tanks going in the process, lol. I hope he will begin to look normal again, if not, maybe its just old age. I will give it a good month and see.